Statistics for Supreme Court Order Entry and Probate

  • February 05, 2018

The B.C. Court Services Branch recently provided the CBABC with stats for turnaround times for order, entry and probate for every registry in the province for the years 2012–2016.

Part A: Timeliness of Supreme Court Civil General and Family Law Orders

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the average calendar days between the date an order is submitted by counsel/parties and the date it is "entered into the court" (signed off and date stamped) for Supreme Civil and Supreme Motor Vehicle Accident orders and Supreme Court Family Law orders (excluding Adoption cases). 

Results: In British Columbia, over the last five years, there is an average of 23.7 days between Supreme Court order submission and the date the order is entered into the Court when combining all Civil General, Motor Vehicle Accident, and Family Law Proceedings. However, the number of days can vary significantly by type of case, court location and submission year.

  • Appendix 1.1 Average Days between Order SUBMIT date and ENTERED date by Submission Year
  • Appendix 1.2 Average Days between Order SUBMIT date and GRANT date by Submission Year
  • Appendix 1.3 Average Days between Order GRANT date and ENTERED date by Submission Year
  • Appendix 1.4 Average Days between Order GRANT date and SUBMIT date by Submission Year

Part B: Supreme Court Probate Activity and Timeliness

The purpose of this analysis is to understand general caseload trends associated with estate proceedings, and to determine the average calendar days to obtain an Estate Grant and where possible show the impact of rejected applications on application processing timeliness.

Results: Over the last five years, the number of new estate-related cases opened has steadily increased by 9%, from 9,344 new cases in 2012 to 10,189 new cases in 2016.

Detailed data by Court Location are available in the following appendices:

  • Appendix 2.1: Number of New Estate Administration Cases Opened by Calendar Year & Location
  • Appendix 2.2: Case Age at Estate Grant Issuance by Grant Issued Year and Court Location
  • Appendix 2.3: Impact of Supplemental Information Filing on Case Age by Grant Issued Year
  • Appendix 2.4: Select Study on Impact of Application Rejection on Case Age by Calendar Year

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