Agenda for Justice | Background Reading
Everyday Legal Needs 2020 Survey, Legal Aid BC (Aug 2020)
Roads to Revival: An External Review of Legal Aid Service Delivery in British Columbia, J. Maclaren, QC (Jan 2019)
External Review of Legal Aid Service Delivery in British Columbia, CBABC Submission (Nov 2018)
Foundations for Change: Report of the Public Commission on Legal Aid in British Columbia, Leonard T. Doust, QC (Mar 2011)
Reaching Equal Justice: An Invitation to Envision and Act, Canadian Bar Association (2013)
Serious Family Problems, Legal Aid BC website
Do I Qualify for Legal Representation, Legal Aid BC website
Wrapping Our Ways Around Them: Aboriginal Communities and the CFCSA Guidebook, A. Walkem (2015)
Indigenous Resilience, Connectedness and Reunification: From Root Causes to Root Solutions: A report on Indigenous Child Welfare in British Columbia, Grand Chief Ed John (2016)
Pathways in a Forest: Indigenous Guidance on Prevention-Based Child Welfare, West Coast LEAF (Sep 2019)
Consultation Paper on Modernizing the Child, Family and Community Service Act, British Columbia Law Institute (Oct 2020)
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, SBC 2019, c 44
An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, SC 2019, c 24
Response to BCLI Consultation Paper: Modernizing the Child, Family and Community Service Act, CBABC Submission (Jan 2021)
Unified Family Court, Summative Evaluation, Department of Justice website, Government of Canada
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act [SBC 2019] c. 44
BC First Nations Justice Strategy, BC First Nations Justice Council and Province of British Columbia (Feb 2020)
Child, Family & Community Services Act, RSBC 1996, c 46
Enhancing Access to Justice for Women Living in Rural and Remote Areas of British Columbia: Reviewing Practices from Canada and Abroad to Improve Our Response, E. Skinnider and R. Montgomery (Jul 2017)
Everyday Legal Needs 2020 Survey, Legal Aid BC (Aug 2020)
Rural Education and Access to Lawyers, Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch
Court Digital Transformation Strategy 2019-23, Ministry of Attorney General, Government of BC (2019)
Modernizing Justice and Public Safety: A Digital Strategy for the Justice and Public Safety Sector 2019/2020, Government of BC (2019)
No Turning Back: CBA Task Force Report on Justice Issues Arising from COVID-19, Canadian Bar Association (Feb 2021)
Justice Metrics Colloquium Report, University of Victoria, Access to Justice Centre for Excellence (Feb 2020)
The Justice Metrics Problem: Background Paper, M. J. McHale, QC (Mar 2017)
Measuring Access to Justice: A Survey of Approaches and Indicators in A2J Metrics Initiatives, Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters (2019)
Access to Justice Measurement Framework, Y. Dandurand and J. Jahn (May 2017)
Memorandum of Understanding with Government (Apr 2013)
Time to Trial Report, Provincial Court of British Columbia (Sep 2019)
Annual Report 2018/19, Provincial Court of British Columbia
Annual Report 2019, Supreme Court of British Columbia
Annual Report 2019, Court of Appeal for British Columbia
Annual Report 2019-20, Civil Resolution Tribunal
Disaggregated demographic data collection in British Columbia: The grandmother perspective, British Columbia’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (Sep 2020)
In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C. Health Care, Hon. Dr. M.E. Turpel-Lafond (Aki-Kwe) (Nov 2020)
Legislation modernizes how wills are signed, witnessed, Government of BC Media Release (Jun 2020)
Letter to Attorney General re: Remote Execution and Witnessing of Documents, CBABC Submission (May 2020)
Report on Proposals for a New Commercial Tenancy Act, British Columbia Law Institute (Oct 2009)
Letter to Ministry of Attorney General re: Uniform Civil Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, CBABC Submission (Jun 2020)
Report on the Uniform Civil Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, British Columbia Law Institute (Mar 2005)
Letter to Jamie Maclaren, QC re: Legal Aid Services Review, CBABC Submission (Nov 2018)
Annual Report 2019, Law Foundation of British Columbia
Committed to Change: Protecting the Rights of Involuntary Patients under the Mental Health Act, The Office of the Ombudsperson (Mar 2019)
Minister’s statement on ombudsperson’s involuntary admissions report, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions (Mar 2019)
A Pathway to Hope: A roadmap for making mental health and addictions care better for people in British Columbia, Government of BC (2019)
Operating in the Darkness: BC’s Mental Health Act Detention System, Community Legal Assistance Society (Nov 2017)
Letter to Ministry of Attorney General re: Limits on Expert Reports and Disbursements in Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Litigation, CBABC Submission (Aug 2020)
Submission to Ministry of Attorney General re: Attorney General Statutes (Vehicle Insurance) Amendment Act, 2020 and Evidence Amendment Act, 2020, CBABC Submission (May 2020)
Bill 9 – 2020: Evidence Amendment Act, 2020 (
CBABC Briefing Note: Family Compensation Act, CBABC Submission (Aug 2014)
Bill M 213 – 2011: Family Compensation Act Amendment Act, 2011
Report on Proposals for Unfair Contracts Relief, British Columbia Law Institute (Sep 2011)
Limitation Act (
Ontario legislation, at section 22: Limitations Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B (
Alberta legislation, at section 7: L12.pdf (
Report on Reverse Mortgages, British Columbia Law Institute (Feb 2006)