Truth & Reconciliation

CBABC is committed to supporting B.C.’s legal community to work toward reconciliation through education and skills-based programming.

Advancing Reconciliation Series

Continue your reconciliation journey this fall with the return of Dr. Darryl Leroux from the of the University of Ottawa. 

Learn more & Register ➔ 

Aboriginal Law Section

Join this Section to learn about recent developments in Aboriginal Law and play a role in shaping future legislation and government policy.

Vancouver Section | Vancouver Island Section 

On-Demand Programs

The Path - Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada 
A CBA series of online modules that focus on the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada, the history of Indigenous peoples and their relationship with European settlers, the British Crown and the Dominion of Canada.

Building Business Relationships
Using case studies, presenters explore different governance and decision-making structures that apply to Bands, Band Councils and Hereditary Chiefs. Participants will gain practice advice and strategies to build stronger business relationships with Indigenous communities. Oct 2022 | 1 CPD

Working with Clients and Community in Practice
Building trust with Indigenous clients and communities requires a step back to consider how our own attitudes, beliefs, and biases shape legal service delivery. Using practice-based scenarios, speakers show how to apply a trauma and culturally informed approach to practice to avoid retraumatizing and revictimizing Indigenous clients, witnesses, and communities. Oct 2022 | 1.5 CPD

Economic Reconciliation - Working in a Colonial Framework
Economic reconciliation involves reconnecting Indigenous communities – whose economies colonialism worked to segregate and destroy – with local, provincial and national economies. This program offers insights from leading experts about partnering with Indigenous businesses and Nations, the impacts of Law in Indigenous business settings, and the implications of working in a colonial framework. Sep 2022 | 1.5 CPD

Indigenous Laws in Practice
Our ability to work meaningfully and effectively with Indigenous clients and communities begins with a solid understanding of how Indigenous laws, legal orders, and principles intersect with the everyday practice of law. Participants learn to engage with key resources and community networks to design a practice that recognizes and respects Indigenous laws and perspectives on key legal issues. Sep 2022 | 1.5 CPD

What the Public Sector needs to do to Move Reconciliation Forward
This session explores a wider perspective on understanding and reclaiming Indigenous jurisdiction, how a new fiscal relationship could be developed between First Nations and Canada, and the role of First Nations as collectively an 11th province. Feb 2022 | 1.5 CPD

What the Private Sector Needs to Do
From the inclusion of Indigenous issues in environmental, social and corporate governance, to the representation and recruitment of Indigenous peoples on corporate boards and senior management, this webinar explores what the Private Sector can do to advance reconciliation. Feb 2022 | 1.5 CPD

Creating Your Firm's Reconciliation Response Plan
CBABC’s RRP for Law Firms helps firms advance reconciliation by maximizing awareness of the historical experiences of Indigenous people and improving relationships with Indigenous clients and colleagues. Presenters share how their firms implemented a RRP that reflect their firms’ values and business goals, and offer helpful advice on how to move to the next stage in developing an RRP for your firm. Jun 2022 | 1.25 CPD

The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls
Chief Commissioner Marion Buller discusses the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. Learn about the Calls for Justice as a part of your commitment to learning the truth of Indigenous peoples in Canada. May 2021.

Utilizing the CBABC Reconciliation Response Plan in your Firm
CBABC guides law firms in response to the Calls to Action through adoption of a Reconciliation Response Plan. The RRP assists by aligning with a firm's business plan in an effort to maximize awareness and understanding of Indigenous concerns among corporate team members. Oct 2020 | 1.5 CPD

An Introduction to UNDRIP and the Making of UNDRIP Law in Canada
Gain an understanding of the significance of the Declaration and why some people, including Indigenous people, support the aspirations in the Declaration but are concerned about these becoming law. Learn about the legal meaning and risks associated with BC’s Bill 41, and potential future events. Apr 2020 | 1.5 CPD

Truth & Reconciliation: Indigenous Rights and Title
Experts in Aboriginal Law discuss colonial historical policies, an overview of the interpretations of “aboriginal title,” the evolution of cases from British Columbia, and more. May 2019 | 2 CPD