LAP: "Poor Posture and Back Pain"

Date & Time

  • August 16
  • 12:15 PM - 01:30 PM


  • Vancouver, BC
  • LAP Office, 1080 Mainland St
  • Suite 415

Options for Lawyers Workgroup 

"Poor Posture and Back Pain" 

Learning techniques to improve your posture and alleviate back pain

Four out of every five Canadians suffer from back pain. Working in the legal profession requires long hours of pouring over material in a high stress, pressured environment. These factors contribute to poor posture, a weak core and ultimately back pain. In this workshop you will learn simple, proven techniques on how to improve your posture while sitting, or standing at your desk, de-stress and increase focus while you work and reduce lower back and neck pain. This workshop will be invaluable if you suffer from back pain and will provide you with proactive ways in becoming part of the twenty percent that do not suffer from back pain.

Options for Lawyers is a networking, education and support group for lawyers making job or career transitions and for lawyers wishing to examine their options both personally and professionally.

This group meets the third Wednesday of each month from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Vancouver at the LAP office, 1080 Mainland Street, Suite 415.

For further information, please call the LAP at 604-685-2171.

This free workshop will be facilitated by Katharine Ford, Expert on Postural Training and Core Strengthening and owner of Fitness Table TCP Vancouver.