Robe Stories

The Legacy Continues

Every robe has a story to tell. We are grateful to our donors who shared the path their robe took to arrive in CBABC's Robe Bank... and beyond. 

Erickson Robe: From the closet to the courts

Hollis Robe: A robe well-travelled

Huberman Robe: Passing down the robe to those who do good

Larson Robe: Inspiring words for an inspiring robe

Ledingham robe: Continuing the robe’s diverse legacy

Lewis Robe: Allard alumni captivates the courts

Lownds Robe: Luck and light-usage

Munkley Robe: Dedicating the robe to those who shaped us

Provenzano Robe: A gracefully aging robe

Sayson Robe: Journeying with the first Filipino-Chinese lawyer to join the Crown Counsel

Sigalet Robe: A lawyer’s memorable call ceremony, to say the least

VanderLey Robe: Across the country and across practices

Welsh Robe: A robe that doesn’t shy away from the spotlight

Anonymous Robe: A mysterious maternity robe

Anonymous Robe: Kept in the dark no longer