Dedicating the robe to those who shaped us

Marjorie Munkley

Law was a second career for Marjorie. In 1990, she was called to the bar and in her first assignment to the Supreme Court she wore a robe paid for by her very supportive and feminist father. During her career, Marjorie enjoyed the collegiality and support of many Crown and defence counsels and was fortunate to have participated in many challenging trials.

Sadly, Marjorie’s father died before he could see her in her robes but whenever Marjorie wore his cufflinks and this robe, she felt he was there supporting her. Marjorie only hopes that these robes are lucky enough to experience the challenge, camaraderie and sheer joy of practicing law.

The Robe’s Journey Continues…

April 2023
Kayla, Call Ceremony in Vancouver

May 2023
Leo, Call Ceremony in Vancouver

June 2023
Jackie, Call Ceremony in Vancouver

July 2023
Taylor, Call Ceremony in Cranbook