Journeying with the first Filipino-Chinese lawyer to join the Crown Counsel

Winston L Sayson, KC

Winston was called to the bar in BC in 1989 and has served for 30 years as a trial Crown Counsel with the BC Prosecution Service, Ministry of Attorney General. He was the first Filipino-Chinese individual to join the Crown Counsel Office in BC.

Winston has since prosecuted hundreds of criminal trials in the Provincial and Supreme Courts. In 2011, Winston was deservedly appointed to the Queen’s Counsel and was granted the privilege of trading in his cotton robes for silk.

These silk robes proceeded to see action in the BC Supreme Court over a period of 8 years. It has witnessed the tears of victims as they accompanied and supported vulnerable children to testify in court, it was a part of the administration of criminal justice in BC.

The silk robe retired with Winston in 2019. It now awaits the joy to dress the next King’s counsel.