Summary of Meetings: Workplace Investigations
Number of Meetings Held:4
November 17, 2022
Registration Count: 61
Guest Speakers: Pamela Connolly, Jennifer Wiegele, and Jessica Thomson
Meeting Title/Topic: Ask the Investigator!
Synopsis: Our panelists discussed their varied backgrounds in conducting and advising on complex investigations, including assessment of credibilty, definitions of bullying and harassment, managing the expectations of parties, and procedural fairness.
January 26, 2023
Registration Count In-Person: 14
Meeting Title/Topic: Investigators' Networking Event
Synopsis: This event provided an opportunity to connect or reconnect with other lawyers working in the investigation sphere.
March 1, 2023
Registration Count: 102
Guest Speakers: Anita Atwal and Pam Costanzo
Meeting Title/Topic: Race & Culture in Workplace Investigations
Synopsis: Anita Atwal and Pam Costanzo discussed approaches to complaints and investigations involving issues of race and culture. Topics considered will include the cultural competence of investigators; recommendations and advice to address systemic racism; and a recent case law on what constitutes a reasonable investigation of allegations of racism.
May 31, 2023
Registration Count: 168
Guest Speakers: Sharon Cartmill-Lane, Jessica Thomson, and Charlene Cleary
Meeting Title/Topic: Ethical Issues in Workplace Investigations
Synopsis: Sharon Cartmill-Lane, Pearlman Lindholm, Jessica Thomson, Pulver Crawford Munroe LLP, and Charlene Cleary, Westshore Law discussed fact scenarios that give rise to ethical issues in the course of an investigation.