New Westminster First Nations Court Reports Positive Impact Reconciliation in Action, a new BC Provincial Court report on the New Westminster First Nations Court (NWFNC) highlights 20 individual stories of people currently participating in NWFNC, including... Nicole Garton
February 2015 Give a Little and Gain a Lot Join the CBABC’s Lawyer Referral Service now! Leena Yousefi
December 2014 Be Your Own Life Coach The occupational hazards of the legal profession are notorious. Michael Hargraves
October 2014 Can Lawyers Keep People From Getting Sick? Access to justice as a determinant of health Kendra Milne
October 2014 Lighting the Way Recently, I found myself telling an inner city Law 12 class that what uniquely equipped them to succeed in the job market today is a sense of “equality.” Our discussion revolved around... Perminder S. Tung
August 2014 BC Legal Services The Canadian Bar Association has passed a resolution titled: “Double Taxation on Legal Fees and Other Professional Services.”1 What is double tax? How does it apply to British... Alexander Coombes