Primer on the Divorce Act Amendments

  • March 17, 2021

This meeting was held at 12:30 PM at Zoom in Victoria, British Columbia.

This meeting was recorded and can be viewed at

Guest Speakers

Erin Brook and Samantha de Wit


A Primer on the Divorce Act Amendments that come into force on March 1, 2021. Erin Brook, the Vice President of the CBA National Family Law Section and a leading voice in the CBA's contribution to the final draft of the Divorce Act Amendments (which included written and oral submissions), and Samantha de Wit, Member-at-Large of the CBA National Family Law Section, gave a brief primer on the changes that the Divorce Act Amendments will bring for family law practitioners in B.C. 

Duration of meeting was 1.3 hours. Of this, 1.75 hours can be counted towards CPD.
