Practice Management

Advice and support for new practitioners, including online resources, checklists, and important contact information.

  • CBA’s PracticeLink for Young Lawyers provides links to useful resources and relevant articles for busy young lawyers.
  • Resources from the Law Society of BC:
    • Practice checklists to ensure you do not miss any steps in a new matter. 
    • Confidentiality, privacy and conflict of interest resources, including non-engagement letters, model conflicts of interest checks, and crossing the border with electronic devices.
    • Trust accounting resources, including a free online course. 
    • Contact information for local benchers. You can contact them when dealing with ethical dilemmas. Some benchers focus in specific practice areas, such as Jeevyn Dhaliwal, QC, in immigration law.
    • The PLTC Practice Material summarizes practice and procedure in core areas of practice in BC, including civil litigation, criminal procedure, family law, commercial law, company law, real estate transactions, wills and estates, ethics and practice management.
  • CourtHouse Libraries BC has free access to various legal publications, including textbooks through their remote access database. You can also connect with them for assistance with legal research. For complex questions, they will get back to you after doing some research.
  • JP Boyd on Family Law is on online resource containing some basic information on family law (used by legal professionals occasionally, but geared at the general public).
  • The UBC Law Students’ Legal Advice Program Online Manual contains useful substantial law information covering most practice areas. *This is a handy resource for lawyers transferring to the BC jurisdiction from other Canadian provinces or territories, or for lawyers who graduated from law schools from overseas.