
Welcome to the CBABC Newsroom, where you’ll find our latest announcements, media coverage and Advocacy Submissions, along with a variety of legal industry news including Legislative Updates and Professional Notices. 

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CBABC Submission

Family Compensation Act

  • August 31, 2014

The CBABC recommends that the Family Compensation Act be amended to provide for bereavement damages in the event of a death of a family member caused by the wrongdoing of another person or entity.

Media Release

Outstanding Lawyers Honoured With Bar Awards

  • June 24, 2014

The Canadian Bar Association, British Columbia Branch (CBABC) honoured five outstanding lawyers and an impressive BC law firm, all of whom have contributed to their profession and the community.

Legal News

Message from the President

  • February 11, 2014

On February 22-23, the national council of the Canadian Bar Association will meet in Ottawa for its mid-winter meeting. At the meeting, delegates will consider a resolution put forward by several CBA constituent organizations entitled "Non-Discrimination in Legal Education."